
This workshop is the product of a fruitful cooperation between Chilean and French researchers from different areas of engineering, including applied mathematics, biochemical engineering and automation. We expect to promote a pleasant environment to consolidate existing collaborations and to start new projects about bioprocess modeling.

This activity gathers research in science, technology and engineering interested in the mathematical modeling, control and optimization of biological processes. The program includes presentations and discussion sessions on water resources, bacterial population growth and competition.

Organizing Committee

  • Héctor Ramírez, Universidad de Chile (chairman)
  • Andres Donoso-Bravo, Inria Chile & Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
  • Pedro Gajardo, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
  • David Jeison, Universidad de la Frontera
  • Alain Rapaport, Inra Montpellier, France


Workshop organizers