Data Science for Frontier Astronomy, Biology and Medicine
In the last decades the Atacama desert has been filled by a collection of state the art astronomical facilities: Cerro Tololo, Cerro Pachón, Cerro Paranal, La Silla, Las Campanas and the Chajnantor plateau have a unique infrastructure that continues to bolster the planning and construction of next-generation optical and radio astronomy observatories. Prominent among these are DECam (Dark Energy Camera), ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter Array), LSST (Large Synoptic Survey Telescope), GMT (Giant Magellan Telescope), E-ELT (European Extremely Large Telescope), or TAO (University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory). These facilities will make the Atacama desert the host of more than 70% of the optical telescope collecting area in the world and will be the source of petabytes of data streaming from it, bringing new frontiers of technology requirements for massive data flow management. In fact, the sensing, transmission, processing, analysis, storage and archiving of these large volumes of data will require a robust set of interdisciplinary skills which can have a positive impact beyond pure astronomical research.
Within this context, we are currently organizing the fifth version of a special topical meeting in southern Chile’s lake district, the CMM Pucón Symposium (this year to be hosted in Puerto Varas, Chile), that will offer a unique opportunity to address and discuss many of the relevant scientific, technical and infrastructure issues behind the emerging era of Big Data and Data Science. Our intention is to bring together people from various engineering, technical and scientific disciplines from different R&D organizations with an established tradition of international collaboration, in a special academic and scenic environment, where we can analyze in depth their current activities and discuss in detail possible future ones.
We hope that you can accept our invitation to participate in the CMM Pucón Symposium 2017, a workshop conference focused on the advanced mathematical and computational tools as well as the engineering and technological aspects involved in frontier astronomy, biology and medicine and other massive data-driven sciences, including ultra-high speed networking, e-science/grids/high performance computing, data storage/processing/ archiving, data visualization, data mining and machine learning, time series and automatic classification, virtual observatories, robotic and remote astronomy, optimal scheduling and real-time astronomy.
Sponsors: NLHPC/CMM, FCFM-UChile, CONICYT-Chile, Millenium MAS, AURA/LSST, ALMA, Millenium BNI-UChile, Corfo.
Registration Fees: USD 300 (CLP 190.000)
Registration Open
Pucón Symposium 2017 Organizing Committee,
Eduardo Vera, Chair
Tel: +56 2 2978 4939 office direct
Tel: +56 2 2978 4525 office secretary (Maria Ines Rivera)
email: pucon2017 (at)