Inspired by the remarkable success of the UTokyo Forum 2013 held in Santiago and Sao Paulo (Nov 2013), the First Chile-Japan Academic Forum at UTokyo was held a year later in Tokyo (6-9 Oct 2014) as a follow-up activity to further encourage the strong research collaboration long taking place between Chile and Japan in different areas of knowledge. The forum was proposed as a biannual activity taking place alternatively in Japan and Chile. As a result, the Second Chile-Japan Academic Forum at Patagonia, will be held in Punta Arenas and Puerto Natales (7-11 Nov 2016) in the southern region of Magallanes.
The forum organization is led by the main universities of Japan and Chile, University of Tokyo (UTokyo), Catholic University of Chile (PUC) and University of Chile (UChile) with the goal of establishing an open academic platform with participation of third-party collaborators from other universities and research centers worldwide with strong regional ties to Asia and South America. For the next forum University of Sao Paulo (USP) will be a key regional participant while the University of Magallanes (UMAG) is the host partner.
This forum is partly supported by Intendencia de la Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena, Proyectos de Internacionalización UCH y PUC del Ministerio de Educación, Re-Inventing Japan Project, including Science and Engineering Exchange Program with Latin America (SEELA) and Top Global University Project by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)