Early Researchers' Day
48th Conference of the International Group
for the Psychology of Mathematics Education

Early Researchers’ Day
PME is pleased to offer a special day (Early Researchers’ Day, ERD) for early career researchers who are also attending the PME conference. The Early Researchers’ Day will directly precede the main PME conference and will consist of presentations, working groups and other kinds of sessions planned to be of value to those who are in their first years of research in mathematics education.
The aim of the ERD is to provide early career researchers with opportunities to develop their research skills in various fields, establish new contacts, build networks among themselves and with respect to future PME conferences, and meet and work with international experts in the field.
The 2025 ERD will be held on the afternoon of Sunday July 27 and the morning of Monday July 28 at the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciencs of Universidad de Chile (on site). The day is being organized by Paola Ramírez (LOC member, Chile) and Arindam Bose (PME representative, India). Registration fees for ERD and coffee breaks are complimentary (no cost) and researchers can apply for participation through ConfTool. The number of participants will be limited. Priority will be given to current PhD students and post-doctoral students, and special consideration will be given to applicants from underrepresented countries.
ERD Organizers

Paola Ramirez
Universidad Católica del Maule, Chile

Arindam Bose
Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India
Sponsors and collaborators