
48th Conference of the International Group
for the Psychology of Mathematics Education

Conference Venue

The venue for the conference will be the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of University of Chile.  The Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at the University of Chile was founded in 1842. Its first rector, Andrés Bello, appointed Spanish engineer Andrés Antonio Gorbea as its director. In 1853, the engineering programs were organized, covering specialties such as Geographical and Mining Engineering.

Throughout the 20th century, it solidified its leadership in engineering education and contributed to national development in areas such as electrification and

telecommunications. Starting in the 1960s, new programs were created, and in the 21st century, curricular changes inspired by MIT methodologies were implemented, focusing on competencies in designing and implementing engineering systems. Today, the FCFM is dedicated to teaching, research, and advisory services in engineering and science, continuing its mission of technological innovation.

Organizing institutions

The organizing institutions are University of Chile and University of O’Higgins, both Chilean public universities.

Two research centers from the University of Chile are organizing this event. The Center of Mathematical Modeling (CMM) located at the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences is a national leading scientific center for research and applications of mathematics. It aims to create new mathematics and use it to solve problems coming from other sciences, the industry and public policies. Regarding mathematics education, in the CMM there is the  CMM-Edu laboratory and the ARPA initiatives that are focused on developing research and innovation in mathematics education with a special focus on working with teachers. The other research center is the Center for Advanced Research in Education (CIAE) that develops evidence for public policies in education and innovations to improve school management, pedagogical practices and learning processes.

From the University of O’Higgins we have the support of the Institute of Educational Sciences (ICEd). It is a multidisciplinary research space dedicated to the field of Education. ICEd’s mission is to contribute to the improvement of education in the O’Higgins Region as well as nationally and internationally, contributing to the development of the quality of education and, in particular, to the solution of problems of the educational reality.

Sponsors and collaborators