pm-Tue 25
18:00-19:00 Registration (Conference Hall, Entrance of Petrohué Room, 8th floor)
Opening Remarks and Introduction
Chair: Eduardo Vera
19:00-19:30 “The Purpose, History and the Driving Forces behind the Pucón Symposium”
Welcome words: Chris Miller, R. Chris Smith, Jorge Ibsen, Mario Hamuy
19:30-21:00 Welcome Reception (everyone invited) (Bar Tronador, Reception Hall, 6th floor)
Wed Aug 26
Session 1 – The Upcoming Astronomical Facilities (Petrohué Room, 8th floor)
Chair: Eduardo Vera
In this session, we hear about and discuss the upcoming facilities that will generate and manage huge volumes of astronomical data.
09:00-09:30 “Next Generation Optical Astronomy”, Chris Smith, AURA Observatory in Chile
09:30-10:00 “Digital Highway for Science & Education”, José Palacios, REUNA
10:00-10:30 “Digital Depositaries for e-Science”, Jorge Ibsen, Joint ALMA Observatory
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break (Bar Tronador, Reception Hall, 6th floor)
Session 2 – Big Data Analysis Infrastructure for e-Science (Petrohué Room, 8th floor)
Chair: Chris Smith
In this session, we will hear about the research tools and infrastructure frameworks that are being developed and used by the scientific community to deal with massive data.
11:00-11:30 “Separating the wheat from the chaff: finding interesting events with the LSST”, Andrew Connolly, University of Washington, USA
11:30-12:00 “Plug and Play – No Way! 10Gbps at the interfase of research, development and education in medical informatics”, Steffen Härtel, SCIAN Lab, BNI, ICBM, F-Med, University of Chile
12:00-12:30 “Methodology transfer in data science”, Matthew Graham and George Djorgovski, Caltech, USA
12:30-13:00 “ALMA: a data processing challenge”, Jorge Garcia, Joint ALMA Observatory, Chile
13:00-15:00 Conference Lunch (hosted by Fundación Copec-UC: everyone invited!) (Hotel Cabaña del Lago, Restaurant Parrilla Ailén 75, 7th floor)
Session 3 – Big Data in Real-time (Petrohué Room, 8th floor)
Chair: Jaime San Martin
In this session, we will hear how researchers are developing and applying new modern techniques and algorithms for real-time analysis of massive astronomical data.
15:00-15:30 “The High cadence Transient Survey (HiTS) at CMM/MAS: the search for Young and other fast transients”, Francisco Förster, CMM University of Chile / MAS
15:30-16:00 “Discriminating Variable Star Candidates in HITS Large Image Data Bases using NMF”, Pablo Estevez, DIE University of Chile / MAS
16:00-16:30 “Semi-supervised classification of HiTS candidates using active learning”, Pablo Huijse, DIE University of Chile / MAS
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break (Bar Tronador, Reception Hall, 6th floor)
Session 4 – Time Series and Classification (Petrohué Room, 8th floor)
Chair: Susana Eyheramendy
In this session we learn about how astronomers are using the latest tools and techniques to analyze and classify objects in time series datasets.
17:00-17:30 “Understanding the outlier populations in astronomical time series”, Matthew Graham, Caltech
17:30-18:00 “A time series model for the light-curves from the VVV project”, Wilfredo Palma, Catholic University of Chile / MAS
18:00-18:30 “Automated classification of RRLyrae stars from the VVV project”, Felipe Elorrieta, Catholic University of Chile
Dinner on your own (Hotel Cabaña del Lago or other alternatives in Puerto Varas)
Thu Aug 27
Session 5 – Advanced Machine Learning Tools (Petrohué Room, 8th floor)
Chair: Pablo Estevez
In this session we will hear how advanced machine learning tools are being applied to extract knowledge from massive datasets.
09:00-09:30 “Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Applied to Astronomy”, Guillermo Cabrera, MAS / CMM University of Chile
09:30-10:00 “Kronecker Product PCA for Spatio-Temporal Covariance Estimation of the Atmosphere in CMB Observations”, Chris Miller, University of Michigan, USA
10:00-10:30 “Automatic integration of different context lightcurve classifiers”, Karim Pichara, Catholic University of Chile
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break (Bar Tronador, Reception Hall, 6th floor)
Session 6 – HPC: from Image Synthesis to Simulations (Petrohué Room, 8th floor)
Chair: Jorge Ibsen
In this session we will discuss applications of high performance computing for image synthesis and the power of simulations to understand the universe around us.
11:00-11:30 “Image Synthesis of Full ALMA data”, Simon Casassus, DAS, and Pablo Roman, CMM University of Chile
11:30-12:00 “High performance GPU image synthesis: The MEM algorithm”, Miguel Cárcamo, University of Santiago (USACH)
12:00-12:30 “Planet formation via 3D hydrodynamic simulations and ALMA”, Sebastián Pérez, DAS University of Chile
12:30-13:00 “Cosmological Simulations: Load balancing schemes for HPC”, Roberto González, Catholic University of Chile
13:00-15:00 Lunch on your own (Hotel Cabaña del Lago or other alternatives in Puerto Varas)
Special Meetings and Informal discussions
Parallel Session 7A – Topics in Astroinformatics I (Petrohué Room, 8th floor)
Chair: Francisco Förster
In this session we address specific work currently ongoing in massive astronomy data analytics, astroinformatics and astrostatistics.
15:00-15:15 “Using DBSCAN and mpi4py to detect regions of interest in ALMA FITS files”, Alejandro Barrientos, Joint ALMA Observatory
15:15-15:30 “Chasing ghost galaxies in the Fornax cluster: New opportunities for the Deep Learning community”, Roberto Muñoz, Catholic University of Chile
15:30-15:45 “The Rise-Time of Type II Supernovae”, Santiago Gonzalez, MAS
15:45-16:00 “Compilation and characterization of light-curves catalogues for the HiTS project”, Jorge Martínez, DAS / CMM University of Chile
16:00-16:15 “Applying a real BigData framework to astronomy”, Juan Carlos Maureira, CMM University of Chile
16:15-16:30 “Correntropy Kalman Filter for Transient Detection”, Huentelemu, DIE University of Chile
Parallel Session 7B – Topics in Bioinformatics I (Calbuco Room, 7th floor)
Chair: Mauricio Cerda
In this session we present new initiatives and transdisciplinary approaches in the field of e-health, life science and aging at the interface of IT, connectivity, bioinformatics, remote biomedicine, and massive biological data analytics.
15:00-15:30 “Construcción de una Red Transdisciplinaria para Abordar el Desafío del Envejecimiento en Chile” / “Building a Transdisciplinary Network to Address the Aging Challenge in Chile”, Benjamín Suarez, F-Med, University of Chile
15:30-15:50 “Usando Datos para Aprender y Decidir en Salud: una Visión Ingenieril” / Using data for learning and deciding in Health: an engineering approach within the Center for Geroscience, Brain Health and metabolism”, Rodrigo Assar, ICBM, F-Med, University of Chile
15:50-16:10 “Diseño de un SNP-Array para Estimar la Proporción Global de Ancestría en Genómas Chilenos” / “Design of an SNP-Array to Estimate Global Ancestry Proportion in Chilean Genomes”, Alex di Genova, CMM, University of Chile
16:10-16:30 “Modelando Sistemas Biológicos: Desde Experimentos hacia Predicciones” / “Modeling Biological Systems: From experiment to prediction”, Nicolás Loira, CMM, University of Chile
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break (Bar Tronador, Reception Hall, 6th floor)
Parallel Session 8A – Topics in Astroinformatics II (Petrohué Room, 8th floor)
Chair: Guillermo Cabrera
In this session we address specific work currently ongoing in massive astronomy data analytics, astroinformatics and astrostatistics.
17:00-17:15 “Modeling quasi-periodic lightcurves using Neuropercolation”, Catalina Elzo, DIE University of Chile
17:15-17:30 “Performance analysis of multi-frame super-resolution using simulated astronomical images”, Fernando Caro, DCC University of Chile
17:30-17:45 “Transient detetection using convolutional networks”, Ignacio Reyes, DIE University of Chile
17:45-18:00 “Stellar systems in HCG 90: Challenges of the image processing of HAWKI and VIMOS data”, Yasna Ordenes, Catholic University of Chile
18:00-18:15 “Towards an Chilean ALMA Data Center”, Diego Mardones, DAS University of Chile
18:00-19:00 Round Table Discussion: Current Issues faced by the astroinformatics community, All participants (Co-chairs: Francisco Forster and Guillermo Cabrera
Parallel Session 8B – Topics in Bioinformatics II (Calbuco Room, 7th floor)
Chair: Steffen Härtel
In this session we present recent requirements and new initiatives in telemedicine, bioinformatics, connectivity, medical informatics, and massive biological imaging and data analytics.
17:00-17:20 “Una solución RIS/PACS para Chile” / “A RIS/PACS solution for Chile”
Jorge Herrera, Unidad de Coordinación de los Proyectos Sectoriales de TIC, MINSAL
17:20-17:40 “El Centro de Informática Medica y Telemedicina CIMt: Desafíos de Telemedicina en Chile y la Región” / “The Center of Medical Informatics and Telemedicine CIMt: The challenges of Telemedicine in Chile and the Region”, Maurizio Mattoli, CMIt, MIM U-Chile / U-Heidelberg, F-Med, University of Chile
17:40-18:00 “U-Redes BioMed-HPC: Conectando la Facultad de Medicina, el Hospital Universitario y la Dirección de Servicios de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación STI vía la Corporación Red Universitaria Nacional REUNA al Laboratorio Nacional de Computación de Alto Rendimiento (NLHPC); y Microscopía de 4 Lentes de Iluminación Plana de Alta Velocidad” / “Connecting the Faculty of Medicine, University Hospital and STI-UChile via REUNA to the National Laboratory for High Performance Computing (NLHPC); and performing High Speed 4-Lens Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy, Victor Castañeda, SCIAN-Lab, ICBM, F-Med, University of Chile
18:00-18:20 Red de Equipamiento Científico Avanzado REDECA y el Sistema de Almacenamiento y Servicios Informáticos Biomédicos Avanzados SASIBA / Network for Advanced Scientific Equipment and Services & System for Storage and Advanced Service for Biomedical Informatics, Mauricio Cerda, SCIAN-Lab, ICBM, F-Med, University of Chile
20:00-22:00 Conference Dinner (hosted by CMM-UChile: everyone invited!) (Hotel Cabaña del Lago, Restaurant Parrilla Ailén 75, 7th floor)
am-Fri Aug 28
Session 9 – Big Data Visualization (Petrohué Room, 8th floor)
Chair: Mónica Rubio
In this session we will hear how researchers are developing and applying new computational and mathematical tools to visualize massive data.
09:00-09:30 “State of the art in data visualization, connecting the local and global archives”, Amelia Bayo, University of Valparaíso, Chile
09:30-10:00 “Data visualization in the Andes wall display”, Amanda Ibsen, INRIA Chile
10:00-10:30 “AstroCloud: An agile visualization platform for specific analyses of astronomical images ”, Faviola Molina, DCC, University of Chile
10:30-11:00 “VO Tools for ALMA”, Antonio Hales, Joint ALMA Observatory, Chile
Session 10 – Challenges Ahead: Open Discussion (Petrohué Room, 8th floor)
Chair: Chris Miller
In this session we will collectively address all the major issues and challenges ahead to develop the right tools to handle massive data in our scientific and technological projects of e-science.
11:00-12:00 All Participants