IPMAS 2023 Workshop
See the program here
The organization of this hybrid workshop is a joint effort of the Millennium Nucleus For Applied Control And Inverse Problems (ACIP), the Center for Mathematical Modeling (CMM-U. de Chile) and the Millennium Institute for Intelligent Healthcare Engineering (iHEALTH).
The objective is to put together the state of the art of different methodologies of inverse problems with real applications in astronomical instrumentation, medical imaging and neuroestimulation, and promote the synergies to share scientific and algorithmic methods in inverse problems.
The workshop is mainly sponsored by ANID Millennium Science Initiative Program.
Please register here
Register hereSubmit a short communication as a poster
Here you can submit a communication for consideration of the Organizing Committee. The deadline is December 12th 2022 (extended to December 21th 2022).
Submit a poster hereRegistration for short courses
Here you can registrate for the short courses.
Resumen en español
Organizing Committee
- Eduardo Cerpa (PUC)
- Claudia Prieto (PUC)
- Francisco Sahli (PUC)
- Clementine Béchet (CRAL, Lyon, France)
- Matías Courdurier (PUC)
- Leonel Medina (USACH)
- Axel Osses (U. de Chile)