Integrable Geometries in AdS_{3}

Speaker: Marcela Cárdenas

Universidad Andrés Bello (Chile)

Date: Monday, June 5, 2023 at 12 Santiago time

Abstract:In this talk we discuss the geometrization of 1+1 integrable systems included in the AKNS integrable system, which contains the Korteweg de-Vries (KDV), modified KDV, sine-Gordon and non-linear Schrödinger equations. This is possible through the construction of a broad class of asymptotic conditions for the gravitational field in three dimensions, reproducing the properties of the AKNS dynamics. We study the consistency, asymptotic symmetry algebra and integrability properties of these novel boundary conditions.

Venue: Online via Zoom / Sala de Seminarios, 5th floor, Beauchef 851
Chair: Rayssa Caju