The purpose of this workshop is to present bioinformatics and systems biology ideas, including mathematical modeling and data analysis techniques, that allow understanding the relationship between communities of organisms and their environment. At the same time, relevant applications related to human and extreme zone microbiomes will be presented.
The workshop will be held on Monday May 16 and Tuesday May 17, 2022 from 14:00 to 17:30 in the Von Neumann room of the Center for Mathematical Modeling at the University of Chile.
This Workshop is part of the activities of the INRIA – Équipe Associé SymBioDiversity 2022-2024.
- Vicente Acuña (CMM & CRG – Universidad de Chile)
- Anaïs Baudot (CMM – Universidad de Chile)
- Clémence Frioux (INRIA-Bordeaux)
- Alejandro Maass (CMM & CRG- Universidad de Chile)
- Anne Siegel (IRISA – CNRS)