
Final Program
Version 3.5 – 26 Aug 2014
Hotel San Martín, Viña del Mar
Valparaíso Region, CHILE
August 25-29, 2014

Mon 25

Santiago Airport -> Viña del Mar, Valparaíso Region
Official Public transport (Buses/Vans/Cars) available at exit lobby on-demand at your own arrival time: about 90 minutes drive

Hotel Check-in
12:00 onwards (early check-in, if possible depending on hotel availability)

14:00-16:00 (Conference Hall, 1st Floor)

Opening Remarks and Introduction
16:00-16:30 Authorities & Co-Chairs Eduardo Vera, George Djorgovski and Giuseppe Longo
MAS Director Mario Hamuy, Millennium Scientific Initiative Director Claudio Wernli

Inaugural Session
16:30-18:30 “Context and Background of the Astroinformatics Conference”
Dan Fay, Microsoft Research, USA (IT Overview of Massive Data Driven Science)
R. Chris Smith, AURA Observatory in Chile (LSST: From Photons to Petabytes)
Jorge Ibsen, Joint ALMA Observatory, Chile (ALMA’s new Frontiers)
Fernando Liello, GARR, Italy (Infrastructure for e-Science)

Welcome Reception (everyone invited)
18:30-20:00 (Conference Hall, 1st Floor)

Tue 26

Session 1 Knowledge Discovery Tools
Jorge Ibsen
09:00-09:30 “Immersive Visualization DIY”
Ciro Donalek, Caltech, USA
09:30-10:00 “Scientific and Research Computing”
James Kinney, Amazon Web Services, USA
10:00-10:30 “Looking for structure in ALMA data with machine learning”
Erzsebet Merenyi, Rice University, USA

Coffee Break
10:30-11:00 (Conference Hall, 1st Floor)

Session 2 Time domain: transient phenomena, supernova, …
Chair: Eduardo Vera

11:00-11:30 “Exploration of the Time Domain: A Perfect Playground for Astroinformatics”,
George Djorgovski, Caltech, USA
11:30-12:30 “HITS: HIgh cadence Transient Survey at CMM / MAS”,
Francisco Förster, MAS/CMM, University of Chile
12:00-12-30 “Flexible and Scalable Methods for Time-Series Characterization”,
Andrew Becker, University of Washington, USA

Lunch Break
12:30-14:30 (on your own: free choice)

Session 3 Machine Learning
Chair: Pablo Estévez

14:30-15:00 “Photometric redshifts with machine learning methods”,
Giuseppe Longo, S. Cavouti and M. Brescia, Università Federico II, Napoli, Italy
15:00-15:30 “Robust automatic classification of variable stars”
Karim Pichara, Catholic University of Chile
15:30-16:00 “De-biasing ‘Gold Standard’ Classification for Galaxy Morphologies”
Chris Miller, University of Michigan, USA

Coffee Break
16:00-16:30 (Conference Hall, 1st Floor)

Session 4 Time domain: variable objects, time series, …
Chair: Andrew Becker

16:30-17:00 “Correntropy-based Spectral Methods for Detecting Periodic Variables”, Pablo Estévez and Pablo Huijse, MAS/DIE, University of Chile
17:00-17:30 “Probing quasar variability with CRTS”, Matthew Graham, Caltech, USA
17:30-18:00 Pavlos Protopapas, IACS, Harvard University, USA

20:00-> (on your own: free choice)

Wed 27

Session 5 Statistics
Chair: Mario Hamuy

09:00-09:30 “Brain Informatics for Web Intelligence”, Juan Velásquez, DII, University of Chile
09:30-10:00 “Statistical Learning in the era of Petascale Astronomy”, Robert Brunner [*], University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
10:00-10:30 “A mapping of the sky at high spatial and temporal resolution”, Andrés Jordan, Catholic University of Chile

Coffee Break
10:30-11:00 (Conference Hall, 1st Floor)

Session 6 Astronomy Applications
Chair: Mónica Rubio

11:00-11:30 “New Facilities & Instruments: E-ELT”
Fernando Comerón, ESO Vitacura, Chile
11:30-12:00 “Machine Learning for SKA Radio Astronomy Challenges”,
Bruce Elmegreen and Alain Biem [*], IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, New York, USA
12:00-12:30 “The Millennium Institute of Astrophysics (MAS)”
Mario Hamuy, MAS/DAS, University of Chile

Lunch Break
12:30-14:30 (on your own: free choice)

Session 7 Virtual Observatory
Chair: Mathew Graham

14:30-15:00 “VOSA lessons learned and future work”, Amelia Bayo, University of Valparaíso, Chile
15:00-15:30 “Envisioning a Chilean Virtual Observatory”, Diego Mardones, DAS, University of Chile
15:30-16:00 “Astroinformatics Platform for Management and Intelligent Analysis of Big Data”, Mauricio Solar, Technical University Federico Santa María (UTFSM), Chile

Coffee Break
16:00-16:30 (Conference Hall, 1st Floor)

Session 8 Optional Parallel Activities
Chair: Jaime San Martín

16:30-18:00 Activity-1: ChiVO (Chilean Virtual Observatory)
Chair: Mauricio Solar, UTFSM, Chile
16:30-16:40 “Initial remarks and roadmap”, Mauricio Araya, UTFSM
16:40-17:00 “ChiVO Software Current Status”, Jonathan Antognini, UTFSM
17:00-17:20 “ASYDO: Synthetic Spectral Data Generation”, Mauricio Araya, UTFSM
17:20-17:40 “Detection and classification of spectroscopic lines”, Andrés Riveros, PUC Chile
17:40-18:00 “Molecular Lines Association Analysis”, Nicolas Miranda, University of Chile
16:30-18:00 Activity-2: SPECIAL POSTER Session (student participation)
Chair: Francisco Förster, CMM/MAS, University of Chile

Conference Dinner (everyone invited)
19:15-19:45 Chartered Bus transport from Hotel San Martín to downtown Valparaíso
19:45-20:00 Cable-car (ascensor) to Cerro Alegre
20:00-22:30 Restaurant La Colombina, Cerro Alegre, Valparaíso
22:30-23:00 Chartered Bus transport from Cerro Alegre to Hotel San Martín

Thu 28

Session 9 Astronomy Applications
Pavlos Protopapas
09:00-09:30 “Visualization Tools for ALMA”
Jorge Ibsen, JAO Chile
09:30-10:00 “Beyond the CLEAN approach in image synthesis”
Pablo Román and Simón Casassus, CMM/AS, University of Chile
10:00-10:30 “Fourier Synthesis with application to reconstruction of astronomical images”
Jaime Ortega, Gianfranco Liberona and Takeshi Asahi, CMM, University of Chile

Coffee Break
10:30-11:00 (Conference Hall, 1st Floor)

Session 10 Cross-disciplinary Research Initiatives
Chris Miller
11:00-12:30 Roundtable discussion or special case presentations:
Chris Smith, Jaime San Martín, Michel Cure,
Chris Miller, Pavlos Protopapas, George Djorgovski, …

Lunch Break
12:30-14:30 (on your own: free choice)

Session 11 Connecting Research, Education & Outreach
Chair: Giuseppe Longo

14:30-16:00 Panel-led discussion opened to all participants

Coffee Break
16:00-16:30 (Conference Hall, 1st Floor)

Session 12 Review of Unsolved Problems & Wrap-up
Chair: George Djorgovski

16:30-18:00 Panel-led discussion opened to all participants

Special Parallel Evening Activity (Chair: Mauricio Solar, UTFSM, Chile)
18:00-20:00 Board Meeting of Astroinformatics FONDEF Project led by UTFSM, Chile, in joint collaboration with UChile, PUC, USACH, UdeC, REUNA and ALMA

Fri 29

Hotel Check-out

Valparaiso Tour
10:30-12:00 by chartered bus

Valparaiso -> Casablanca Wine Valley
12:00-13:00 by chartered bus

Farewell Lunch
13:30-15:30 at Wine Vineyard, Estancia El Cuadro, Camino La Vinilla, Km 14, Casablanca

Casablanca Wine Valley -> Santiago Airport
16:00-17:30 by chartered bus (1st stop for those departing in that evening’s flights)

Santiago Airport -> downtown Santiago

18:00-18:30 by chartered bus (2nd stop for those staying extra days in downtown Santiago hotels)

downtown Santiago -> Santiago Oriente (Providencia – El Golf)
19:00-19:30 by chartered bus (3rd stop for those staying extra days in Santiago Oriente hotels)

[*] remote presentation (skype connection)