Oren Louidor, Technion
Extreme value theory for logarithmically correlated fields
Leonardo Rolla, University of São Paulo
An introduction to the contact process
Dieter Mitsche, Universidad Católica de Chile
Tamara Fernández, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
A general framework for the analysis of kernel-based tests
Pablo López-Rivera, Université Paris Cité
Preservation of functional inequalities under log-Lipschitz perturbations
Gonzalo Panizo, IMCA
Random Interlacements of directed paths
Jaime San Martín, Universidad de Chile
Some New and Classical results for Schrödinger operators in dimension 1
Leonardo Videla, Universidad de Santiago
Simplified Wright-Fisher processes and some non-linear extensions
Tianqi Wu, Technion
Diameter of a long-range percolation graph for the critical exponent s=d