Round Tables

Wednesday 12th: 11:45 – 12:30 – Moderator: Eduardo Cerpa.

Development of scientific integration among groups of control and inverse problems in Chile and the region. From mathematics, engineering and informatics to applications in medicine, astronomy and neuroscience.

Thursday 13th: 11:45-12:30 – Moderator: Alberto Mercado.

Relation between the resolution of inverse problems using direct modeling based in physics and/or machine learning. How and where is it key to include physics?

Friday 14th: 11:45 – 12:30 – Moderator: Evelyn Cueva.

The path between the initial development of algorithms for control and inverse problems, in medicine, astronomy and neuroscience, and the later clinical/in situ application of these developments. How to achieve this? Which successful and failed experiences exist to learn from?