48th Conference of the International Group
for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
Plenary speakers
Dr. Judy Anderson
The University of Sydney
Talk: “The design and implementation of integrated STEM student learning experiences: Challenges for mathematics teachers and school leaders”

Dr. Jinfa Cai
University of Delaware
United States of America
Talk: “Mathematical problem posing: Progress and potential”
Dr. Soledad Estrella
Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso
Talk: “What does it mean to prepare our boys and girls to interact with Artificial Agents? Perspectives from early statistical education in today’s classroom”

Dr. Wim Van Dooren
University of Leuven
Talk: “From the laboratory to the classroom and back: Reflections on the relation between mathematics education research and practice”
Plenary Panel
Topic: “Mathematics education research must be useful for the classroom.”

Dr. Tanya Evans (chair)
The University of Auckland
New Zealand

Dr. Maitree Inprasitha
Khon Kaen University

Dr. Demetra Pitta-Pantazi
University of Cyprus

Dr. Anthony Essien
University of the Witwatersrand
South Africa

Dr. Salome Martinez
University of Chile
The following is a tentative schedule for the conference. The detailed program will be provided after the second meeting of the International Program Committee.
Sunday July 27 |
Monday July 28 |
Tuesday July 29 |
Wednesday July 30 |
Thursday July 31 |
Friday August 1 |
Saturday August 2 |
Morning | Early Researchers’ Day (ERD) | Conference | Conference | Conference | Conference | Conference | |
Afternoon | Early Researchers’ Day (ERD) | Conference | Conference | Excursions | Conference | Conference | |
Evening | ERD Dinner | Social reception | Conference dinner |

Sponsors and collaborators