

10:00 (Chicago),
11:00 EST (Chile), 17:00 (Europe)
The meeting room is open for chatting and for speakers to check sharing of slides
10:30 (Chicago),
11:30 EST (Chile), 17:30 (Europe)
Introductions and overview of the meeting
10:35 (Chicago),
11:35 EST (Chile), 17:35 (Europe)
Meet new people: random break out rooms
10:45 (Chicago),
11:45 EST (Chile), 17:45 (Europe)
Return to main room
10:50 (Chicago),
11:50 EST (Chile), 17:50 (Europe)
Jon Chaika

There exists a weakly mixing billiard in a polygon (15 minutes plus 5 minutes questions, VIDEO)
11:10 (Chicago),
12:10 EST (Chile), 18:10 (Europe)
Jeremias Epperlein

Iterated Minkowski sums, horoballs and north-south-dynamics (15 minutes plus 5 minutes questions, VIDEO)
11:30 (Chicago),
12:30 EST (Chile), 18:30 (Europe)
Fabien Durand

Self induced Systems (15 minutes plus 5 minutes questions, VIDEO)
11:50 (Chicago),
12:50 EST (Chile), 18:50 (Europe)
Break out rooms with three speakers
12:10 (Chicago),
13:10 EST (Chile), 19:10 (Europe)
12:20 (Chicago),
13:20 EST (Chile), 19:20 (Europe)
Meet new people: random break out rooms.
12:30 (Chicago),
13:30 EST (Chile), 19:30 (Europe)
Valérie Berthé

Multidimensional continued fractions and symbolic codings of toral translations (15 minutes plus 5 minutes questions, VIDEO)
12:50 (Chicago),
13:50 EST (Chile), 19:50 (Europe)
Vincent Delecroix

An entropy upper bound for infinite interval
exchange transformations (15 minutes plus 5 minutes questions, VIDEO)
13:10 (Chicago),
14:10 EST (Chile), 20:10 (Europe)
Florian Richter

An analogue of Furstenberg’s sumset conjecture in the integers (15 minutes plus 5 minutes questions, VIDEO)
13:30 (Chicago),
14:30 EST (Chile), 20:30 (Europe)
Break out rooms with three speakers
13:50 (Chicago),
14:50 EST (Chile), 20:50 (Europe)
Happy hour/tea time/general conversation