Workshop 1: Challenges in health systems



UPDATE: You can watch this Workshop on YouTube



  • Marcelo López-Lastra (PUC,
  • Andrea Slachevsky (UCH,
  • Sylvain Marcellini (UdeC,

Program: September 28th

Moderates: Andrea Slachevsky, U. Chile

Chilean Schedule French Schedule Section Topic Speaker
09:25 14:25 Workshop introduction Introduction Sylvain Marcellini U. Concepción
09:30 14:30 Chronic diseases Arteriosclerosis Laurent Martínez U. Concepción
09:45 14:45 Chronic diseases Aging Felipe Sierra Inspire CHU Toulouse
10:00 15:00 Chronic diseases Aging Christián González-Billault GERO-U. Chile
10:15 15:15 Chronic diseases Neurology Tomás Ossandón PUC
10:30 15:30 Diseases and technology Neuroimaging Pamela Guevara U. Concepción
10:45 15:45 Diseases and technology DNA Chip Fabian Magne U. Chile
11:00 16:00 Diseases and technology ICT for Cognitive Assessment Philippe Robert INRIA CHU Nice
11:15 16:15 BREAK
11:30 16:30 Chronic diseases Cancer Mercedes López /Roberto Estay U. Chile
11:45 16:45 Diseases and environment Mathematics Jean-Stéphane Dhersin CNRS
12:00 17:00 Diseases and environment Engineering Leonardo Basso U. Chile
12:15 17:15 Diseases and environment Water Sandra Cortés PUC
12:30 17:30 Diseases and environment Water Rebeca Martínez U. Concepción
12:45 17:45 Diseases and environment Virus Marcelo López-Lastra PUC
13:00 18:00 Concluding Remarks Moderator Andrea Slachevsky