UPDATE: You can watch this Workshop on YouTube
- Tania Zaviezo (PUC, tzaviezo@uc.cl)
- Mauricio Schoebitz (UdeC, mschoebitz@udec.cl)
- Osvaldo Salazar (UCH, osalazar@uchile.cl)
- Ricardo Suay (INRAE, rsuay.inra@gmail.com)
- Elisabeth Pécou (U. Côte d’Azur, Elisabeth.PECOU@univ-cotedazur.fr)
- Christine Poncet (FioriMed, christine.poncet@inrae.fr)
Program: September 28th
(hours are given in Chilean time, French time is given in italics)
Session 1:
9:30-9:40 / 14h30-14h40 Welcome words and some general words about the Chile-France forum and the main goals about the Workshop 3 “SMART AGRO”
9:40-9:55 / 14h40-14h55 Tania Zaviezo (PUC), SmartAgro in the UC: Current Projects and Collaborations
9:55-10:10 / 14h55-15h10 Philippe Castagnone (INRAE-ISA), SmartAgro in the Sophia Agrobiotech Institute: Current Projects and Collaborations
10:10-10:25 / 15h10-15h25 Octavio Lagos (UdeC), Monitoring and modeling Evapotranspiration in orchards Using Remote Sensing
10:25-10:40 / 15h25-15h40 Philippe Blanc (Mines ParisTech), Energy, major issue in the agroecological transition
10:40-10:50 / 15h40-15h50 Álvaro Peña (UChile-FacAgro), SmartAgro in the UCH-Faculty of Agricultural Sciences: Current Projects and Collaborations
10:50-11:00 / 15h50-16h00 Jaime Ortega (UChile-FCFM), SmartAgro in the UCH-FCFM, Copernicus Program and Geointelligence: Current Projects and Collaborations
11:00-11:30 / 16h00-16h30 Break
Session 2:
11:30-11:45 / 16h30-16h45 Christine Poncet (UMT Fiorimed), The Joint Technological Unit FioriMed, a bottom-up and participatory approach to bring agroecology for all
11:45-12:00 / 16h45-17h00 Manuel Pinto (U O’Higgins), SmartAgro in the UOH: Current Projects and Future Developments
12:00-12:15 / 17h00-17h15 Justine Lipuma / (UMT Fiorimed-Mycophyto), Revitalyzing soils and renewing biodiversity for a sustainable agriculture
12:15-12:30 / 17h15-17h30 Juan Pablo Martínez (INIA), Monitoreo digital de variables ambientales en una agricultura tecnificada sustentable en cultivos forzados en Chile
12:30-12:45 / 17h30-17h45 Pia Parolin (UMT FioriMed), The information system S@M, the key to success for ecological farming.
12:45-13:00 / 17h45-18h00 Wrap up and final words