UPDATE: You can watch the Plenary Session on YouTube
Program: September 30th
(hours are given in Chilean time, in parenthesis the French time)
9:30-12:00 (14:30-17:00) Forum Plenary Session : conclusions and discussion (moderated by Pedro Bouchon and Eduardo Vera)
- 9:30-10:45 (14:30-15:45) Conclusions: a representative of each Workshop presents the conclusions of their work (10′ each);
- 10:45-11:50 (15:45-16:50) Discussion: the moderators and the invited speakers (see list below) exchange on the strong points of the conclusions and the way forward for strengthening the cooperation.
- 11:50-12:00 (16:50-17:00) Closing remarks
Invited speakers:
- Christelle Roy (Directrice Europe de la Recherche et Coopération Internationale, CNRS)
- Andrea Rodríguez (Vicerrectora Investigación y Desarrollo, Universidad de Concepción)
- Aisén Etcheverry (Directora Nacional ANID)
Closing remarks:
- Christian Estrade (Consejero de cooperación y de acción cultural de la Embajada de Francia en Chile)
- Juan Salazar (Embajador de Chile en Francia)