Mining, Strategic Materials & Renewable Energies
20221123 version 4
Tue 29 Nov 2022
08:45-09:00 Boarding special buses from Puerto Varas to Puerto Montt (45 min)
10:00-10:45 — session 1
10:00-10:10 Leandro Voisin (UChile) Welcome remarks
10:10-10:30 Rodrigo Palma (UChile) Challenge of Renewable Energies in Chile
10:30-10:50 Atsushi Iizuka* (Tohoku) Mineral carbonation using alkaline waste
10:50-11:10 Domingo Jullian (UOH) Corrosion of structural materials exposed to novel molten salts for concentrated power
11:10-11:40 Coffee Break
11:40 -13:00 — session 2
11:40-12:00 Roberto Parra* (UdeC) Green Hydrogen: an opportunity to enhance circular economy on copper primary production
12:00-12:20 Alvaro Videla (PUC) Critical metals for the energy transition
12:20-12:40 Alejandro Jofré (UChile) Recent innovations in copper mining by using mathematical modeling and Artificial Intelligence (AI) (Part I)
12:40-13:00 Joaquín Fontbona (UChile) Recent innovations in copper mining by using mathematical modeling and Artificial Intelligence (AI) (Part II)
13:00-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-15:15 — session 3
14:00-14:20 Rodrigo Verschae (UOH) Mining, Strategic Materials & Renewable Energies at the Institute of Engineering Sciences of the University of O’Higgins
14:20-14:40 Jaime Rebolledo (NTT Data) Hyper Mining, beyond automation (Part I)
14:40-15:00 Federico Von Mühlenbrock (NTT Data) Hyper Mining, beyond automation (Part II)
15:00-15:20 Leandro Voisin (UChile) Identification and Characterization of Rare Earth in Chile and use of Rare Earth Elements to develop strategic materials
15:20-15:40 Coffee Break
15:40-16:40 — session 4
15:40-16:00 Asieh Hekmat (UdeC) Application of equipment simulation to study the energy consumption of dump trucks
16:00-16:20 Jaime Ortega (UChile) Remote sensing applied to digital mining — CANCELLED
16:20-16:40 Jorge Amaya (UChile) Modeling rostering and crew assignment for train transportation of mine products and supplies
16:40-17:00 Boarding special buses from Puerto Montt to Puerto Varas (45 min)
Wed 30 Nov 2022
08:45-09:00 Boarding special buses from Puerto Varas to Puerto Montt (45 min)
10:00-11:15 — session 5: Space Technology & Science – joint session with Workshop 6
10:00-10:20 Satoshi Ikari (UTokyo) “Advanced micro-satellite development with the high-fidelity open-source numerical simulation environment”
10:20-10:40 Marcos Díaz (UChile) “Nanosatellite Activities at the University of Chile: Past, Present and Future”
10:40-11:00 Shinichi Nakasuka (UTokyo) “Micro/nano-satellite recent applications to space science, Earth observation and business”
11:00-11:20 Jaime Ortega (UChile) “Copernicus Satellite program and applications of geospatial information for Earth observation, mining, water resources and climate change” — CANCELLED
11:20-11:45 Coffee Break
11:45 -13:00 session 6
11:45-13:00 Free Time
13:00-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-15:15 session 7: Workshop plenary report preparation
14:00-15:15 All Workshop Speakers & participants discussion
15:15-15:45 Coffee Break
15:45-16:45 session 8: Workshop plenary report discussion
15:45-16:45 All Workshop Speakers & co-chair discussion
16:45-17:00 Moving from Workshop room to Auditorium
17:00-17:30 Forum Keynote Lecture: Camila Fernández (UdeC) “We all want to adapt: The challenges and successes of marine research in the era of climate change”
17:30-18:30 Wrap-Up & Conclusions: 10 min report from every workshop
18:30-18:45 Boarding special buses from Puerto Montt to Puerto Varas (45 min)
Workshop Participants (14 in person, 3 online)
- UChile: Leandro Voisin, Joaquín Fontbona, Alejandro Jofré, Jorge Amaya, Rodrigo Palma
- UdeC: Asieh Hekmat, Roberto Parra*
- PUC: Alvaro Videla
- ULagos: Carlos Vergara, Sebastián Arroyo, Marcos Hernández
- UOH: Rodrigo Verschae, Domingo Jullian
- Tohoku: Atsushi Iizuka*
- NTT Data: Jaime Rebolledo, Federico Von Mülenbrock
- PSINet: Iván Rodríguez
* remote online participation
- UChile = Universidad de Chile
- PUC = Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- UdeC = Universidad de Concepción
- ULagos = Universidad de Los Lagos
- UOH = Universidad de O’Higgins
- Tohoku = Tohoku University
20:00-23:00 Conference Dinner at Hotel Cabañas del Lago (Club House)
<all the forum participants>
Thu 01 Dec 2022
Forum Fieldtrip to Termas del Sol, Seno de Reloncaví
<all the forum participants>
~ beautiful 3 hour trip through of native flora scenic route via Ensenada & Cochamó
08:00 departure time from Hotel Cabaña del Lago, Puerto Varas
20:00 return time to Hotel Cabaña del Lago, Puerto Varas
Fri 02 Dec 2022
Optional tours:
1) Volcán Osorno 2) Saltos Petrohué
*** UPDATE: Both optional tours were cancelled.